The growing success of CAN format in France

According to the latest figures released by La Boîte Boisson, the metal can was the only packaging format to post growth in 2023. Purchases in this format increased by 3.3% in the liquid sector compared with the previous year. Here are five key figures.  

According to GIE La Boîte Boisson, this is the volume growth in purchases of cans for home consumption in 2023. Significant growth in a generally sluggish drinks market.

This is the market share of cans in the liquid section of supermarkets. Thanks to their strong performance and the decline of their glass (-6.6%) and plastic (-3.2%) competitors, metal cans have gained + 1.4 points compared to 2022.

+ 7,9 %
This is the growth in sales of energy drinks in cans in 2023. In this highly dynamic soft drinks segment (+7%), cans are slightly outperforming the market, at +7.9%. However, colas and other fruit-flavoured soft drinks also saw their sales driven by cans, up by 4.9% and 5.5% respectively in this format.

+ 11,5 %
This is the increase in hard discount sales volumes of cans. It thus mitigates the decline in the drinks market in this channel, which nevertheless showed a negative trend of -0.8%. E-commerce was also receptive to this container, with sales volumes up 6% in a market up 0.6%.

24,1 %
After suffering from a lacklustre image in the beer aisle, cans are growing strongly. The market share of this format increased by 1.7 points in 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching 24.1% of sales. Speciality beers, the most premium beers in the category, are increasingly turning to this ecological and economical container. Sales volumes in this segment have jumped by 5% in cans, in a market that has contracted by 3%.


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